The answer is 100% yes! Podcasting is an upcoming form of digital content that has a very high engagement rate due to its capability of being consumed while multi-tasking.
A lot of marketers are skeptical about getting into podcasting since it is a relatively new channel. However, its newness is exactly what is going to give you and your brand the edge that it needs to shred the competition!
I decided to start a podcast to boost my personal brand! It's way easier to produce, it's different, doesn't cost much to create, competition is relatively low (when compared to other channels) and it is super effective!
At first, I thought of creating a podcast, to talk about creating a strategy to launch your very own podcast, but I decided that before we go into the nitty-gritty's, I needed to state my case on why every successful content marketer must include podcasting in their content marketing strategy.
The infographic below is going to help me justify my opinions about including a podcast in your content strategy:

With the pandemic, audiences have dramatically changed their media consumption habits! People are not commuting to work as often as they did before, therefore marketers have observed a drop in the number of people listening to Radio (since people mainly listened to the radio while commuting). But at the same time we have noticed a rise in the number of people who listen to podcast. It is way more accessible than radio, since you can listen to a podcast anywhere on your smartphone device and you can listen to what you want and when you want! So podcasts are the way to go!
So with this I hope I have done a good job at convincing you on how effective a podcast can be for your content marketing strategy! This is a trend that is here to say and I would recommend jumping on band wagon ASAP! Also if you guys want to listen to the podcast that I have created, I'll attach the links below! Since it's the first time I am hosting a podcast, I would love some honest feedback! Always love me some constructive criticism!
Listen to my podcast titled "The Dreamers" here: